Posts tagged nature
Trusting Transition

Spring has sprung! Happy Renewal!

The overall energy of Spring and the holidays and rituals we have to mark it, are about renewal & resurrection. New life bursts forth from the stillness and death of winter. If you experience an uptick in activity, inspiration, or vitality, perhaps you are in the flow of the season.

The seasons are one of the many transitions we experience in life. Transition is part of nature. Birth and death, Love and Loss, Building and Dissolution. These cycles can bring a lot of upheaval, emotion, confusion, and fear for us humans. And they are an unavoidable part of life.

So how can we move through transition with more ease, grace, and acceptance? Here are a few things that really helped me move through several big transitions with more trust and grace:

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My Close Call with Wildfire

Last weekend I came face to face with fire… Wildfire!

I experienced first hand how quick and unpredictable this natural element can be.
The Valley Wildfire started burning during last Saturday’s new moon, a few miles from where I was attending a Tantra Festival near Middleton, CA. In the first 24 hours it had burned over 30,000 acres due to high winds, consuming the retreat center I was at along with most of the town of Middleton. Fire fighters are still working on completely containing it, and last I checked it had burned over 73,000 acres, 550 homes and structures, and left 5 dead.

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Making The Most of Your Holidays

I’ve been in hermit mode! This time of year does that to me….

It’s like all the activity from the year has caught up with me, and my body is asking me to take a break!

With all of the buzz happening from the holidays, to outrage over injustice, my desire to go within has been strong.  I’ve been taking time to really BE with everything that’s happened in my inner and outer worlds this year. I’ve been listening to what is ready to be let go, and what wants to be born next.

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Happy Fall

Monday brings the fall equinox in the northern hemisphere, a moment when we have almost equal day and night.  But when you spend most of your day between four walls staring at a computer, it's easy to miss these kinds of wonders of nature(sad face). SO I'll be spending some time this weekend enjoying the last days of summer outside! In Taoism, the energy of fall is about letting go. You know… letting things 'fall' away!  It's a time when the expansive energy of summer begins to wind its way back inward, moving towards the stillness that arrives with winter.

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