The Seat of Your Creativity & Sexuality

This week's "Know Your Chakras" video series explores the 2nd Chakra…. the Sacral Chakra is the seat of our Creativity & Sexuality. 

Both these energies are important expressions of our soul. They hold the potential to birth something that didn't exist before!

There is an alchemy that takes place on many levels for us to be able to access these parts of ourselves. 

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New Life, New Class!

I'm in love!

I'm an aunt for this first time. My sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Gaia Hawkins, this past Thursday Feb. 18th, 2016.

I'm so proud of the warrior Goddess my sister was through her 18 hour, natural birth labor. Watching her and my new niece, during this sacred time, has gifted me with a front row seat to the miracles our bodies are!

There are so many layers to the way we work, which fundamentally impact the way we experience life.  And its not like we get a manual at birth for how to care properly for these precious bodies.

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Will You Be My Valentine?

Happy Lovers Day,

I know not everyone is into Valentine’s… but I dig holidays! They are some of the most consistent rituals we have left in our culture. And rituals create spaces for us to put our attention on something specific and honor it.

Sure Valentine’s Day has been used, like so many other holidays, as a platform to spend way too much money. And much of what we see in ads and our social media feeds are people bragging about how their lover or spouse has professed their love; leaving many folks with a different experience feeling left out and even resentful.   

But a holiday honoring LOVE is right down my alley. There’s so much we have yet to understand about it, that frankly this virtue could use more time to be reflected upon. 

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Kamali MinterComment
let me help you create your year.

Happy Holidays,

I pray that wherever this love letter finds you, that there is peace in your heart. And if there isn't, definitely make sure you use the gifts I'm offering below!

I'm filled with the holiday spirit, the full moon today, and the blessing of time with friends and family, time alone, and this moment I'm taking to write you this Christmas Day. 

I've had many holiday experiences over the years. From Cosby family like Christmas, to broken family Christmas, to how do I create my own new holiday traditions kinda Christmas. And I'm grateful for it all! The joy, the pain, the laughs and the tears, all the textures of being a human living a full life. 

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Kamali MinterComment
Thank A Woman This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has to be one of my favorite holidays! Despite its controversial origins, at it’s heart its a holiday highlighting giving and gratitude.

I have so many things to be thankful for, including you….. thanks for being on the journey with me! 

But who I really want to shout out a big "Thank You" to this Thanksgiving are the women in my world. 

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Kamali MinterComment
My Close Call with Wildfire

Last weekend I came face to face with fire… Wildfire!

I experienced first hand how quick and unpredictable this natural element can be.
The Valley Wildfire started burning during last Saturday’s new moon, a few miles from where I was attending a Tantra Festival near Middleton, CA. In the first 24 hours it had burned over 30,000 acres due to high winds, consuming the retreat center I was at along with most of the town of Middleton. Fire fighters are still working on completely containing it, and last I checked it had burned over 73,000 acres, 550 homes and structures, and left 5 dead.

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How To Turn Overwhelm Into Abundance

It’s been very busy in my world the last few months!  Spring arrived in the form of increased projects and activity. The last few weeks I've juggled editing projects, with teaching The Awaken Weekendprivate coaching, voice-over auditions, and this weekend I'll be heading to the Lighting In a Bottle festival to teach a workshop. 

I enjoy being able to do so many things, each of them is a part of the way I share myself and my gifts. And it all requires energy, focus, and time to do well.  There are a few specific things I now practice during busy clips like this that help what once felt like overwhelm, feel more like abundance, because of shifts I make in mindset and body. 

If your plate has been full too, and it has you a little overwhelmed. I wanted to share how I've been transforming overwhelm into abundance with a few small shifts:

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What Makes You Feel Loved?

Some people dig Valentine's Day, others dread it. But I’m down with any day that has us turn our attention toward love.  Love is an on-going investigation in my world.

And one of the things I've learned about it over the years is that we all have different ways we feel and recognize love.

Some of us love to be touched, some love gifts, some love kind words or selfless acts of service. If you are aware of the things that make you feel loved, it is a huge gift to share that information with the people who want to love you.

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Making The Most of Your Holidays

I’ve been in hermit mode! This time of year does that to me….

It’s like all the activity from the year has caught up with me, and my body is asking me to take a break!

With all of the buzz happening from the holidays, to outrage over injustice, my desire to go within has been strong.  I’ve been taking time to really BE with everything that’s happened in my inner and outer worlds this year. I’ve been listening to what is ready to be let go, and what wants to be born next.

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Who is Holding Your Happiness Hostage?

Happiness has to be one of those desires right up there with winning the lottery, and world peace! I mean who doesn't want to be happy? That is if you aren't afraid of all those 'happy haters' out there. (you know who you are)

 It's way easier to be cynical, pissed off, frustrated, and depressed than it is to be happy. Not that it feels good to live in any of those states of being… but it doesn't require much work to get there or stay there.

 Happiness on the other hand is much more elusive than those other emotions. Why is it so much harder to be happy? Does happiness stay locked away somewhere until something comes along and sets it free? 

Who, or what is holding your happiness hostage?

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Happy Fall

Monday brings the fall equinox in the northern hemisphere, a moment when we have almost equal day and night.  But when you spend most of your day between four walls staring at a computer, it's easy to miss these kinds of wonders of nature(sad face). SO I'll be spending some time this weekend enjoying the last days of summer outside! In Taoism, the energy of fall is about letting go. You know… letting things 'fall' away!  It's a time when the expansive energy of summer begins to wind its way back inward, moving towards the stillness that arrives with winter.

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Happy Labor Day Weekend: Are you hungry for more?

It's Labor Day weekend and I have BBQ on the brain even though I'm a vegetarian... but I wanted to talk about a different kind of hunger.

Do you ever find yourself just hungry for 'more'? Your life is good all things considered. You know there is plenty to be grateful for… but some part of you just wants more. Maybe it's more time, more love, more money… Or maybe all that would all be nice, but there's an even deeper yearning for 'more' that you can't quite name.

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Where Is The Love?

If love is what we are made of, why do we spend so much time feeling fearful, guilty, shameful, and sad?.....

The headlines this week were enough to stir any of those emotions for sure. From the sad news about Robin Williams suicide. To the protests & riots in Ferguson, MO over the shooting of Michael Brown, another unarmed Black teenager killed by law enforcement. There is so much happening in our own lives, and the world around us that looks like the absence of love instead of love.

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