Posts tagged yoga
What is a Yoni?

Yoni is a sanskrit word that means ‘source’ or 'sacred space’. The space it is referring to are a woman's genitals and reproductive organs. But it’s not just referring to anatomy, Yoni is a word that also encompasses the energy and potential for wisdom, life, and power that comes from this space.

So while there may be a lot of woo-woo connotations to this word, I still love it for the holistic meaning it gives this important part of a woman’s body. In contrast the latin origin of the word vagina, means ‘sheath'.... as in where you would store a sword. Call me crazy, but I prefer to define my lady parts as a sacred space.  

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The Seat of Your Creativity & Sexuality

This week's "Know Your Chakras" video series explores the 2nd Chakra…. the Sacral Chakra is the seat of our Creativity & Sexuality. 

Both these energies are important expressions of our soul. They hold the potential to birth something that didn't exist before!

There is an alchemy that takes place on many levels for us to be able to access these parts of ourselves. 

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