Happy Fall

It's been a HOT week here in LA…  It's easy to forget that it's almost fall!

Monday brings the fall equinox in the northern hemisphere, a moment when we have almost equal day and night.  But when you spend most of your day between four walls staring at a computer, it's easy to miss these kinds of wonders of nature(sad face). SO I'll be spending some time this weekend enjoying the last days of summer outside! In Taoism, the energy of fall is about letting go. You know… letting things 'fall' away!  It's a time when the expansive energy of summer begins to wind its way back inward, moving towards the stillness that arrives with winter.

 And just like the trees let go of their leaves to conserve energy for winter.. I'm feeling an energy of 'Letting Go' in my life. I've have been releasing certain things I have been giving my energy to, so that I can go within and nourish myself. 


It's important that we have times in our lives where space is cleared for new things to be born. As we let go of things that have reached their full potential, or are no longer serving us, the energy that those things needed is returned to us and can be used in other ways. Nature is very efficient this way… it composts what is no longer needed and returns that energy back to the system to grow new things.  When we begin to connect with nature and our natural selves, we have that kind of wisdom and efficiency at our fingertips. 

There is much we can learn from nature and our own bodies when we begin to listen to them.
How do you listen? You ask...

  • Slow down... get present... use your senses to tune into sensations and sounds. There is so much competing for our attention, that we often miss what's actually happening inside of us.
  • Get curious about your body and what's happening in there.
  • When you go out in nature, take a moment to tune into the eco-system around you.What you can learn from what you see, hear and feel?
  • Our inner and outer worlds are all made of the same stuff, and are designed by the same intelligence, so there's a lot we can learn about ourselves from tuning into them. 


And for women in particular, tuning into our cycles, especially our menstrual cycles can tell us a lot about our bodies and our emotions. A lot of the pain and discomfort connected to 'that time of the month' can point us towards helpful information about where we need balance. We'll be exploring more on this in my women's circle this coming Tues. Sept. 23rd.

And my mom is coming to LA to celebrate her 60th birthday with me and my sisters! She's a Health & Wellness Coach, and was the first person in my life to teach me about tuning into my body. She's going to be offering Foot Detoxes while she is here. If you're not familiar with it, it's a kind of ionic foot bath that pulls toxins out through your feet and helps to balance your system (see her website for more information). She has a few slots open between 9/25 and 10/7. If you'd like to schedule a session with her while she's here you can email or call Revola at: 360healthmatters@gmail.com  /  (ph)404-227-0603.

Enjoy the last days of summer!