Posts tagged satisfaction
What is a Yoni?

Yoni is a sanskrit word that means ‘source’ or 'sacred space’. The space it is referring to are a woman's genitals and reproductive organs. But it’s not just referring to anatomy, Yoni is a word that also encompasses the energy and potential for wisdom, life, and power that comes from this space.

So while there may be a lot of woo-woo connotations to this word, I still love it for the holistic meaning it gives this important part of a woman’s body. In contrast the latin origin of the word vagina, means ‘sheath'.... as in where you would store a sword. Call me crazy, but I prefer to define my lady parts as a sacred space.  

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Happy Labor Day Weekend: Are you hungry for more?

It's Labor Day weekend and I have BBQ on the brain even though I'm a vegetarian... but I wanted to talk about a different kind of hunger.

Do you ever find yourself just hungry for 'more'? Your life is good all things considered. You know there is plenty to be grateful for… but some part of you just wants more. Maybe it's more time, more love, more money… Or maybe all that would all be nice, but there's an even deeper yearning for 'more' that you can't quite name.

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