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Working With Sadness - KamaYoga Early Bird Ends Soon

"Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place.  It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place." - Rumi

Yesterday morning I received the news that my uncle has passed away. Yesterday morning I received the news that my uncle has passed away.  I have been processing my sadness ever since, and will continue to as long as needed.

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Dearly Beloveds - Lets Celebrate This Thing Called Life

Another gifted soul has completed his work here… when I found out that Prince passed away at the young age of 57, there was a moment of disbelief. This moment seems to happen every time I’m told about an unexpected death. And I realized it’s because as much as death is a part of life, no part of me expects it to happen.

Maybe because its seems morbid to acknowledge that death can happen in any moment. But if I did let this in all the way, maybe I would celebrate my life and everyone in it even more than I do now.

Maybe I would praise everyday I wake up, even the ones that are rough. I would dance more, care less about censoring myself, and pause more throughout my day to feel the sweet breath that keeps me alive!

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What is a Yoni?

Yoni is a sanskrit word that means ‘source’ or 'sacred space’. The space it is referring to are a woman's genitals and reproductive organs. But it’s not just referring to anatomy, Yoni is a word that also encompasses the energy and potential for wisdom, life, and power that comes from this space.

So while there may be a lot of woo-woo connotations to this word, I still love it for the holistic meaning it gives this important part of a woman’s body. In contrast the latin origin of the word vagina, means ‘sheath'.... as in where you would store a sword. Call me crazy, but I prefer to define my lady parts as a sacred space.  

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Trusting Transition

Spring has sprung! Happy Renewal!

The overall energy of Spring and the holidays and rituals we have to mark it, are about renewal & resurrection. New life bursts forth from the stillness and death of winter. If you experience an uptick in activity, inspiration, or vitality, perhaps you are in the flow of the season.

The seasons are one of the many transitions we experience in life. Transition is part of nature. Birth and death, Love and Loss, Building and Dissolution. These cycles can bring a lot of upheaval, emotion, confusion, and fear for us humans. And they are an unavoidable part of life.

So how can we move through transition with more ease, grace, and acceptance? Here are a few things that really helped me move through several big transitions with more trust and grace:

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Speak your truth even if your voice shakes

"Speak the truth even if your voice shakes" - Maggie Kuhn

I love the quote above because for many years this is exactly what happened to me. Every time I expressed something that was vulnerable or made me emotional, my voice would shake…. a lot!


It made me hate these moments, I would feel weak, and embarrassed by my shaky voice. I would feel like no one would listen or take me seriously. Or worse... that they would pity me, and make fun of, or de-value the very sensitive truth I was sharing with them.

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What's In Your Heart? (KamaYoga Postponed)

I have listened to what's in my heart  and decided to postpone the upcoming KamaYoga Series for several reasons.

Thank You for those of you who inquired about it. And those who were interested in attending. I know for some dates or location where an issue. If you are interested in chakra work one-on-one, contact me to learn more about privates.

I'm listening to what is in my heart and to what you need, as I plan what I will be sharing with you next.


This week's video is about the heart chakra - Anahata. Awakening this chakra can put us in touch with the truth of what's in our hearts.

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Will Power vs. Soul Power

Are you more comfortable being visible or flying under the radar? When you desire to get something done is it easy to take action? Or does it become overwhelming or daunting? Do you feel up to the challenges that arise in day to day life? Or is it easy to feel defeated and want to give up?

It would be so normal to feel a combo of all these possibilities... And one experience is not necessarilaly better than another. But these questions help us hone in on the area of consciousness that the 3rd chakra is processing for us.

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The Seat of Your Creativity & Sexuality

This week's "Know Your Chakras" video series explores the 2nd Chakra…. the Sacral Chakra is the seat of our Creativity & Sexuality. 

Both these energies are important expressions of our soul. They hold the potential to birth something that didn't exist before!

There is an alchemy that takes place on many levels for us to be able to access these parts of ourselves. 

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New Life, New Class!

I'm in love!

I'm an aunt for this first time. My sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Gaia Hawkins, this past Thursday Feb. 18th, 2016.

I'm so proud of the warrior Goddess my sister was through her 18 hour, natural birth labor. Watching her and my new niece, during this sacred time, has gifted me with a front row seat to the miracles our bodies are!

There are so many layers to the way we work, which fundamentally impact the way we experience life.  And its not like we get a manual at birth for how to care properly for these precious bodies.

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My Close Call with Wildfire

Last weekend I came face to face with fire… Wildfire!

I experienced first hand how quick and unpredictable this natural element can be.
The Valley Wildfire started burning during last Saturday’s new moon, a few miles from where I was attending a Tantra Festival near Middleton, CA. In the first 24 hours it had burned over 30,000 acres due to high winds, consuming the retreat center I was at along with most of the town of Middleton. Fire fighters are still working on completely containing it, and last I checked it had burned over 73,000 acres, 550 homes and structures, and left 5 dead.

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How To Turn Overwhelm Into Abundance

It’s been very busy in my world the last few months!  Spring arrived in the form of increased projects and activity. The last few weeks I've juggled editing projects, with teaching The Awaken Weekendprivate coaching, voice-over auditions, and this weekend I'll be heading to the Lighting In a Bottle festival to teach a workshop. 

I enjoy being able to do so many things, each of them is a part of the way I share myself and my gifts. And it all requires energy, focus, and time to do well.  There are a few specific things I now practice during busy clips like this that help what once felt like overwhelm, feel more like abundance, because of shifts I make in mindset and body. 

If your plate has been full too, and it has you a little overwhelmed. I wanted to share how I've been transforming overwhelm into abundance with a few small shifts:

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