Posts in relationships
What Makes You Feel Loved?

Some people dig Valentine's Day, others dread it. But I’m down with any day that has us turn our attention toward love.  Love is an on-going investigation in my world.

And one of the things I've learned about it over the years is that we all have different ways we feel and recognize love.

Some of us love to be touched, some love gifts, some love kind words or selfless acts of service. If you are aware of the things that make you feel loved, it is a huge gift to share that information with the people who want to love you.

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Who is Holding Your Happiness Hostage?

Happiness has to be one of those desires right up there with winning the lottery, and world peace! I mean who doesn't want to be happy? That is if you aren't afraid of all those 'happy haters' out there. (you know who you are)

 It's way easier to be cynical, pissed off, frustrated, and depressed than it is to be happy. Not that it feels good to live in any of those states of being… but it doesn't require much work to get there or stay there.

 Happiness on the other hand is much more elusive than those other emotions. Why is it so much harder to be happy? Does happiness stay locked away somewhere until something comes along and sets it free? 

Who, or what is holding your happiness hostage?

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Happy Labor Day Weekend: Are you hungry for more?

It's Labor Day weekend and I have BBQ on the brain even though I'm a vegetarian... but I wanted to talk about a different kind of hunger.

Do you ever find yourself just hungry for 'more'? Your life is good all things considered. You know there is plenty to be grateful for… but some part of you just wants more. Maybe it's more time, more love, more money… Or maybe all that would all be nice, but there's an even deeper yearning for 'more' that you can't quite name.

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Where Is The Love?

If love is what we are made of, why do we spend so much time feeling fearful, guilty, shameful, and sad?.....

The headlines this week were enough to stir any of those emotions for sure. From the sad news about Robin Williams suicide. To the protests & riots in Ferguson, MO over the shooting of Michael Brown, another unarmed Black teenager killed by law enforcement. There is so much happening in our own lives, and the world around us that looks like the absence of love instead of love.

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Turned Down For What?

Who or what has you turned down?

I know it might be a strange question, but this DJ Snake/Lil' John song inspired it. Check it out below to see for yourself if you haven't already! If you've been feeling a little drained, uninspired, frustrated, or numb…. there's a good chance that you've turned down the dial on an important part of your self expression. And while that part may need to get expressed in a number of ways, I'll bet in its purest form its tied to your sexuality...

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Love is a Field

There is a well-known Rumi quote - "Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field, I'll meet you there"...  I believe this field is love.

 Its a very Tantric sentiment actually.  When we can put down our judgements about ourselves, other people, and the world. And begin to accept what we are feeling in the moment as part of one big movement of energy... We step into a field I call Love.

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Authentic Power

What is your relationship to power?
Do you crave it? Does it scare you?
Are you indifferent about it?
I saw power mis-used so much growing up,
that for a long time I was afraid of it.
But as I have discovered my own authentic power,
beyond the power plays of the ego. 
I've learned that real power comes from a very different place than I once thought.

Authentic Power comes from
vulnerability & surrender.

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What Turns You On

What turns you on? Do you know? I had to really think about this one myself. I know in the moment,when desire arises. But I don't spend much time thinking about what causes it to happen. And it can change as we change… so while we may think we know what turns us on based on what's worked in the past, will that still spark you in this moment? 


Desire is one of the most powerful forces at work in our lives.  It pulls us forward, fueling creation, evolution, and other fun explosive activites. Knowing how to light our own fire is one of the best gifts we can give to ourselves and our lovers.  How often have you looked to your partner to know how to please you? And when they are not getting it right... do you find yourself feeling frustrated and unfulfilled?

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