Posts in tantra
My Word For 2020

Here we are in a new year.... the start of a new decade!

I was on hiatus the last month, taking time to reflect, rejoice, release and renew!  It feels good to be diving back in with teaching, writing, and sharing with you.

For the last few years after I reflect on the year past and create intentions for the year to come, I try to hone in on one word that will support all my intentions for the year.

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[LISTEN] What is Tantra? - (podcast w/ a practice)

I was recently interviewed by the ladies from the pleasure positive  podcast “clit talk”, and we had a blast digging into the riches of Tantra and having a sensual self-care practice. 

The energy turned up in the studio when we ended the conversation with all of our tops coming off and sharing a live experience of breast massage together... I LOVE my job :)

You can tune in, and practice along with us. 

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[Offerings] Watch BlackLove // Join Our Women's Retreat // Listen In....

I hope you are hungry for content, because we’ve been cooking up a storm behind the scenes… Enrollment for our Jade Eggstacy program will be opening soon!  

But until then, there are many other exciting things going on that I wanted to share. You can watch, listen, and even join us in person… with the offerings below!

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What is a Yoni?

Yoni is a sanskrit word that means ‘source’ or 'sacred space’. The space it is referring to are a woman's genitals and reproductive organs. But it’s not just referring to anatomy, Yoni is a word that also encompasses the energy and potential for wisdom, life, and power that comes from this space.

So while there may be a lot of woo-woo connotations to this word, I still love it for the holistic meaning it gives this important part of a woman’s body. In contrast the latin origin of the word vagina, means ‘sheath'.... as in where you would store a sword. Call me crazy, but I prefer to define my lady parts as a sacred space.  

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Will Power vs. Soul Power

Are you more comfortable being visible or flying under the radar? When you desire to get something done is it easy to take action? Or does it become overwhelming or daunting? Do you feel up to the challenges that arise in day to day life? Or is it easy to feel defeated and want to give up?

It would be so normal to feel a combo of all these possibilities... And one experience is not necessarilaly better than another. But these questions help us hone in on the area of consciousness that the 3rd chakra is processing for us.

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Happy Labor Day Weekend: Are you hungry for more?

It's Labor Day weekend and I have BBQ on the brain even though I'm a vegetarian... but I wanted to talk about a different kind of hunger.

Do you ever find yourself just hungry for 'more'? Your life is good all things considered. You know there is plenty to be grateful for… but some part of you just wants more. Maybe it's more time, more love, more money… Or maybe all that would all be nice, but there's an even deeper yearning for 'more' that you can't quite name.

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Turned Down For What?

Who or what has you turned down?

I know it might be a strange question, but this DJ Snake/Lil' John song inspired it. Check it out below to see for yourself if you haven't already! If you've been feeling a little drained, uninspired, frustrated, or numb…. there's a good chance that you've turned down the dial on an important part of your self expression. And while that part may need to get expressed in a number of ways, I'll bet in its purest form its tied to your sexuality...

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Love is a Field

There is a well-known Rumi quote - "Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field, I'll meet you there"...  I believe this field is love.

 Its a very Tantric sentiment actually.  When we can put down our judgements about ourselves, other people, and the world. And begin to accept what we are feeling in the moment as part of one big movement of energy... We step into a field I call Love.

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Authentic Power

What is your relationship to power?
Do you crave it? Does it scare you?
Are you indifferent about it?
I saw power mis-used so much growing up,
that for a long time I was afraid of it.
But as I have discovered my own authentic power,
beyond the power plays of the ego. 
I've learned that real power comes from a very different place than I once thought.

Authentic Power comes from
vulnerability & surrender.

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