I finally experienced a full-body *O*rgasm!

“Not only did I finally experience a full body orgasm, but I learned how to be more vulnerable with my partner during intercourse, and to share what I needed in a way that I was able to orgasm for the first time ever.”

I enjoyed sex most of the time, but I was never able to orgasm during intercourse. My girlfriends would talk about all the amazing sexual experiences they were having, and I thought there must be something wrong with my body, or maybe I had just never had the right partner.

When my marriage ended I decided that I was going to finally figure out how be more orgasmic, I wanted to know what my body was really capable of with or without a partner. That’s when a friend referred me to Kamali. She showed me how to be present with the sensations in my body in a way I had never experienced before.

Not only did I finally experience a full body orgasm, but I learned how to be more vulnerable with my partner during intercourse and to share what I needed in a way that I was able to orgasm.

The beauty of the work I did with Kamali is that now I know how to access orgasm in my body, and it’s not some elusive event that’s dependant on my partner being a magician. I’ve learned how to connect with myself and my sensuality, in a way that feels truly empowering.  

~ ‘Marie’

This is what is possible.

The Body of Bliss Program is starting in April!

Is it your time to invest in yourself and open into new places?

Early Bird ends TOMORROW! (Save $350!)

Click here to learn more and to register:

When Marie (we’ll call her that so she can remain anonymous) started working with me, like so many other women I’ve worked with she thought there was something wrong with her body.

But most of the challenges we are experiencing around sexuality and our relationships are actually opportunities to awaken to expanded states of being, and a greater capacity to meet and enjoy the ups & downs of life.

What most of us know about our bodies and our sexuality, is just the tip of a giant Iceberg. Beyond our pleasure anatomy…  which is important to know; there is a whole universe where sex & relationship can become a spiritual practice.

Through the simple mind-body practices that I teach, I’ve watched people awaken to greater pleasure; increase their capacity to feel and express intense emotions; open to deeper love, compassion, & patience. And yes… learn how to orgasm during intercouse. :)

Once you say ‘yes’ to a journey like the one I’ve been on with many clients and students… the desire or the challenge that brought you to me, becomes a doorway to so much more that can be hard to put into words.

I’m really looking forward to working with the group of women that are saying ‘yes’ to the Body of Bliss program.

Early Bird ENDS TOMORROW! (Save $350!)

Body of Bliss Immersion

Click here to read all of the details and to register:


If you are looking for a new way of experiencing sex & relationship, one that creates opportunities for awakening & opening to more pleasure. I hope you you’ll join us!

with love,
