My Intimate Share - [event: Yoni Yoga early bird ends soon]

This week I shared the most intimate story I ever told in front of over 120 people! I was participating in a great event called the Pussy Party, a night of art made by women, curated and produced by Salon no 13.


I was given the honor of opening the show with an interactive talk I crafted called “She Speaks”. In this talk I share about the very first time my Pussy or Yoni, ever spoke to me. Yes, she has a voice… and it's OK if you think that’s crazy. And if you think that’s awesome, see details below about an immersion for women I'm doing in two weeks.


Part of the inspiration for telling my story publicly was to take another step towards dissolving the taboo around women’s sexuality, our bodies, and the shame that can come with it.  It felt good to give voice to the power, wisdom, and healing that I have been blessed to experience through the work I now teach.


Many women and men came up to me afterwards and shared how moved and inspired they were by my story. Which confirmed for me that on some level we all want to experience more of the magic, mystery, and pleasure that is available in this life.


And as a tribe when we witness another person’s honesty, vulnerability, and breakthroughs, we are reminded of how powerful we are, and what we really have access to. So share your breakthroughs, share your challenges, and don’t be afraid to bare your soul…. because you never know who you might be helping by doing so.


And if you are a woman, or know one, who would benefit from a safe space to explore the wisdom and power available in our bodies, I have an event just for women coming up on Sunday June 5th from 10a-5p in Culver City, CA.  In this one day Immersion women have a chance to explore the kind of work that has allowed me to hear the wisdom of my Yoni.


The early bird ends soon! So if you are feeling a ‘yes’, even if it comes with some fear, take a step towards unlocking the next layer of your inner mystery and register now

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