My Word For 2021

Here we are in 2021…..

And it's lookin' a lot like 2020 continued… the people of earth are still facing off with Covid and the United States of America is still confronting all the things that keep us from being united.

But there is also a feeling of new possibilities in the air. The possibility to keep building on all we have learned in this last few years.

I feel the potential in everything that has rocked us, confronted us and activated us, to be the catalyst for deep transformation, on a personal and collective level.

So how do we maintain our mental, physical, and spiritual health as we run this marathon of systemic change?

This all begins with the practices we turn to in daily life to connect with ourselves, the people we love, our work, and the natural cycles. 

We practice tuning into our senses. 
We practice coming home to our bodies. 
We practice connecting with our communities through common purpose.
We practice building what we want future generations to enjoy.
We practice serving what we love. 

Can we let go of striving for perfection and lean into more consistent practice? (this is what I keep asking myself :)

In years past I have picked a word to help focus the energy of my practices towards an intention. 

This year with so much coming undone and so much unknown ahead, I had a hard time getting clear on one word… but through the power of ritual I was able to gain more clarity. 

The word I landed in captures my desire to build upon the fertile soil I have been cultivating in my life….

My word for 2021 is……


This word captures the wisdom I have been gathering from my gardening practice, the same wisdom that exists throughout nature, through our DNA, through spiritual lineage streams..

It reminds me to keep rooting in my body, in ancestral wisdom, and the support of loved ones... so that I can BLOOM.

It reminds me that there is creative potential in stillness... so let myself rest. 

It reminds me that the seeds I plant have their own timing and the ones that grow will feed me. 

It reminds me to tend the soil that feeds me, my body, my home, my community, my eco-system.

It reminds me that nurturing my being and its growth, so I can be a resource for those around me.

I’m enjoying the insights this word is inspiring. Many of which are shaping a new offering I’m creating for womxn. I’ll be sharing more in the coming month once enrollment is open.


What’s important to you this year? 
What do you desire to experience or create? 
What do you want to release?
What parts of you do you want to grow?
These are often clues about where to focus your energies.

If any of your answers include:

  • Connecting with your body in a loving way

  • Learning how to use pleasure as a resource that sustains you.

  • Releasing shame, comparison, or judgement around your body or sexuality

  • Expanding your relational, erotic and emotional Intelligence

  • Deepening the intimacy in your partnership

Then let’s talk! Set up a consult to find out if one of our programs or private session work can support you in realizing your desires.

with love,
