Let There Be Light! - Create a Solstice Ritual

This Monday Dec. 21st brings the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, but also the beginning of our return to longer days and more sunlight…. yay!

The winter solstice is a solar new year, a perfect moment to release that which is dying and welcome that which will be born next.  

It’s an important threshold between the light and the dark that has been marked by pagans and many other cultures for ages through rituals.

This year the solstice is happening alongside ‘The Great Conjunction’ as many are calling it…. Jupiter & Saturn so close in the night sky they could kiss! A sight that has not been seen in 800 years.

I’ll leave it to gifted astrologers to share the significance of this on us energetically, but you don’t have to be a star wiz to be in awe of the movements of these heavenly bodies and the potency of this moment in time.

If this has been a hard year for you, as it has been for so many of us, consider renewing your inner light through a solstice ritual. 

Rituals are a way that we mark time and remind ourselves of our place within the whole. 

Whether simple or elaborate, they are a powerful way to connect our personal energy to the subtle energies that create, sustain and deconstruct our world with loving precision.

You can keep it simple or get more elaborate, whatever helps you connect with sincerity, but here is a guide to creating a solstice ritual that you can customize as you wish.




This can be as simple as a clean, clear space where you feel at peace. Or if you want to go a step further, you can create an altar or work with one you already have.

Invite in light with candles and you can dress your altar with other elements of nature like crystals, flowers or forest finds. 

You can work with clearing herbs like sage or the smoke of frankincense and myrrh.

When your space is set up, take a moment to connect with your breath, let your mind slow down. Then Invite in the highest wisdom you feel comfortable connecting with (deities, angels, teachers, nature, etc) Ask to be guided and protected in your ritual and give thanks.



Have a journal or piece of paper on hand and reflect on these questions, writing down the first things that arise.

What are you proud of this year?

What did you learn this year?

What are you ready to release?

Who or what do you need to forgive?

If you had it all your way, what would 2021 look and feel like?

What are you interested in exploring next?

What kind of support or resources do you need to assist your vision?

Image by: Wyoh Lee

Image by: Wyoh Lee


Once you have put your insights on paper it’s time to bring it to life in your body! 

Music can really help get into the right space, if you have Spotify you can try this playlist I made.

You’ll want to tune into what you are releasing first and play with moving your body in ways that help you let go. This could look like jumping or shaking your body, kicking or punching the air, moving the parts of your body that feel tight or stuck. If emotions come up, see if you can allow them, tears are cleansing, making sounds helps with release and don’t forget deep breaths help as well. When you feel complete with your release, pause in stillness for a few breaths and notice what you still feel moving inside your body.

Then you can tune into your vision for the new year, really use your imagination to place yourself in the feeling of it. Then move your body to that feeling. Let the feeling of your vision move you into shapes that grow that feeling. There’s no right way to do this, approach it like a child at play creating your world through movement, following what feels good. When you feel complete, pause in stillness for a few breaths and notice what you still feel moving inside your body.

Image by: cottonbro

Image by: cottonbro


After your movement exploration, lay down on your back with any props you need to be comfy (blankets, pillow, etc). Place a hand on your heart and one on your low belly, letting your arms be supported by the floor so they can stay relaxed. Inhale and exhale through your mouth feeling the breath move your belly and chest. Imagine yourself bathed in sunlight. The rays beaming down on you. Breathe that light into your body, imagine it warming you from the inside, melting anything that is stuck or heavy. Breath like this as long as it feels good. And when you are complete, roll onto your side in a fetal position for a few breaths before transitioning to the next thing.

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